“We must comply with the natural creativeness and one day, maybe we will become nature and we will start to create” (Paul Klee’s Bauhaus students).
This is the motto and mission of GREENCURE. All projects contain the meanings of:
· community (WE)
· sense of responsibility (MUST)
·knowledge (COMPLY WITH)
· creativity (CREATIVENESS)
· vision toward the future (ONE DAY)
·value of time (MAYBE)
· renewal (WILL BECOME)
· nature (NATURE)
It is the contamination between these areas and roles that can help achieve a human-friendly environment.
Our greatest satisfaction is when those who attend our completed projects tell us, ” I feel at home here!” like little Knut in Tarjei Vesaas’ Norwegian short story “The Last to Return”.
That’s the reason why GREENCURE employs such diverse professionals as the botanist, forester, agronomist, environmental engineer, physician, neuropsychiatrist, chemist, biotechnologist, sociologist, communication expert, and economist.
It is the contamination between these areas and roles that can help achieve a human-friendly environment.
Our greatest satisfaction is when those who attend our completed projects tell us, ” I feel at home here!” like little Knut in Tarjei Vesaas’ Norwegian short story “The Last to Return”.
Design competition “Nuovo ospedale di Legnago Mater Salutis ”
2023 Runner-up | Legnago with Studio Altieri S.p.A
PNRR design competition “Eco30 Greenway connection and enhancement of public green areas in Trentacapilli neighborhood”
2023 Winning project | Altamura with Corsaro Architects
PNRR design competition aimed at “Realization of a sports hall : Sport and social inclusion”
2023 Winning project | Cagliari with Marazzi architects
Two-grade design competition related to “Realization of Fai Bene Primary School”
2023 Runner-up | Rimini with Nos Architecture
PNRR design and restoration competition “The historic garden of Villa De Capoa: between biodiverrsity and sociality|
2023 Winning project | Campobasso with Dunamis architettura s.r.l
Two-degree design competition for the construction of the “New Livorno hospital facility in the former Pirelli area”
2022 Runner-up | Livorno with Tecnicaer Engineering s.r.l.
Design competition for the “New hospital facility IRCCS Giannina Gaslini”
2021 Winning project | Genoa with Tecnicaer Engineering s.r.l.
International design competition in two grades for the “nuovo centro direzionale della regione siciliana”
2021 Runner-up | Palermo with Rudi Ricciotti Architecte, Peluffo&Part ners Architettura S.r.l.
Two-degree design competition for the “riqualificazione urbanistica e funzionale del nodo Termini e Piazza dei Cinquecento”
2021 Third place | Roma with Studio Vosa & Napolano Architetti
Two-degree design competition for the “realizzazione della nuova sede provinciale Bologna 2 e centro archivistico sovraregionale dell’agenzia
delle entrate presso l’ex caserma perotti”
2020 Winning project | Bologna With ArchLiving S.r.l.
Single-degree open design competition for the construction of the new school complex in the hill hamlets
2019 Winning project | Rosignano Marittimo (LI) With LDA. iMda Ar chitects on going
Gold medal of architecture – landscapes and urban spaces – Guastalla Nursery School
2018 Finalist
International design competition, with open procedure, for the design of the “Palermo streetcar system – phase II” general design and project
first excerpt
|2018 Third place | Palermo With BMS progetti S.r.l.
Design competition for the municipal theater and public park municipality of Albignasego
2018 Third place | Albignasego (PD) with Didonè Comacchio Architects
Tender complex of buildings to be used as university residences related services and departmental headquarters in the Bertalia-Lazzaretto compartment, alma mater studiorum university of Bologna
2018 Runner-up | Bologna With BMS progetti S.r.l.
International creative spaces competition
2014 Special mention “un tempo pensato per sognare” | Cernobbio (CO) with Maria Grazia Rocchetti