The landscape project of the new pavilion for the Barilla Group in Parma is connected with the formal rigor of the existing Porcinai’s project; the aim of the new project is the enhancement of the species existing in the area and expand the surrounding rural space; it is a narration of greener that is all around and guides the visitor to enjoy these spaces which are, perceived or visited, as places of living (work, rest, entertainment).
The slogan “Remember, Sow, Eat” (Remember), remiscences of our food heritage;(Sow), restore the contact with nature; (Eat), ), nourish ourselves in a more conscious way discovering forgotten tastes, flavors, and smells. The goal was to build a landscape with a strong natural identity. The green system is divided into 4 main areas:
The FARM GREENERY is into scenic wings with green rings that are expanded from the center towards the outside, according to a MUSICAL RHYTHM of planting greenery.
The SEWING OF THE EXISTING GREENERY affects the office area between the canteen and the south perimeter of the entrance from the main avenue. It consists of green outdoor rooms and relax areas.
The MITIGATION and ENVIRONMENTAL COMPENSATION GREENERY is a hill, a noise barrier with embankments of different sections with tree-lined strips and deciduous and evergreen bushes; the phyto-depuration basin guarantees environmental continuity also as nourishment to the small animals present in the area.
The EDUCATIONAL GREENERY is the inner PLAYCAMPUS The areas are designed and built as educational and research gardens, where the species are planted in an interactive and innovative way soliciting the visitor’s curiosity. 8 are the selected crops and 8 are the years of land rotation. 4 are the species selected for teaching purposes and which are present in Barilla’s food production: oats, barley, rye, wheat 4 are the species selected for land regeneration using the green manuring technique.